Character name: Khomack
Character class / race: Hunter/Human
Character specialization: Marksmanship
Current realm: Grim Batol
Age: 25
Language(s): English
Armory link: ... ack/simple
When are you online? 4pm-7am
Are you able to keep a high raid attendancy? Yes
When are you able to raid?
Wednesday 19:00 - 23:00: Yes
Thursday 19:00 - 23:00: Yes
Sunday 19:00 - 23:00: Yes
Monday 19:00 - 23:00: Yes
Tuesday 19:00 - 23:00: Yes
Why do you want to raid? I enjoy the challenge
What can you provide to the guild? Aside from actually listening during a raid? Nah I'm a social person. Also have LW at 525, so so long as mats are provided - leg enchants
Is this your main character? Yes
Do you play any alternate characters and (if you have) what are your goals for them?
I have a Paladin (85) and a Shaman (42)
What year did you start to play WOW? I played in 06 and 08, only to return late last year.
Raiding experience in classic WoW at lvl 60 (2005/2006): Molten Core
Raiding experience in TBC at lvl 70 (2007/2008): Tempest Keep, Karazahn
Raiding experience in WotLK at lvl 80: None
Raiding experience in Cataclysm: All but FL and DS
Previous guilds and why you left them: On realm? I was apart of Twin Peaks, left because of lack of interest in raiding or any real progression as a guild.
Do you agree to accept or decline your raid invitations? Yes
How do you prepare to a new boss encounter? I read the tactics, watch videos and tend to ask around those I know who've downed bosses
We use TeamSpeak 3 (downloadable from Are you able to use TeamSpeak? Yes
How stable is your computer and Internet connection? Very
Why should we recruit you? I do what I'm told, when I'm told and how I'm told. If you think I'm doing something wrong I'm always ready to change to something new.
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